Tuesday, May 15, 2018

ALL THE EVER AFTERS by Danielle Teller

Publisher:     William Morrow
Published:     May 22, 2018
ISBN:        978-0062798206
Genre:      Contemporary Fiction
Format:     Print
Obtained via:  Publisher
Reviewed by name and email address:  Gina  myreviewbooks@aol.com


So you think you know the story of Cinderella?  The whole story? 

The real story begins with her step-mother Agnes who at only ten years old was, due to family circumstances, sent to work as a laundress’s apprentice.  There she is, in short, abused by the laundress and treated as next to nothing by the rest of the manor’s residents.  When several years later the opportunity to leave and perhaps find a better life arrives, Agnes quickly departs.  But life does not become all that much easier.  As time goes on Agnes undertakes several other positions, with each, the spirit to survive grows stronger and stronger.

When I first started reading ALL THE EVER AFTERS by Danielle Teller, I felt like I had started the book in the middle.  It seemed a bit disjointed.  Teller’s voice, however, lures you into the story and so begins your journey.  The book can be read for pure entertainment or, you can take it as an opportunity for some inner searching. For me, the story was both – an entertaining read and a chance to sit back and look at how we have within us, if we choose, the strength to overcome adversity.  The “journal” entries within the story give wonderful insight into Agnes’s character and how she grows and changes over time. It is not a quick read, but one that you want to be able to sit back, relax and take your time with. 

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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